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MoN aMOuR et mA Vie
dimanche 23 août 2009

First week of a brand new beginning..

So far so good but feel that there are things I need to learn and must try to achieve for the coming year! Hope I dun get stressed up and I will be able to manage things well.. ;)..

After working hours for this week, I had sufficient time to exercise regularly, to meet friends for dinner at this Taiwan Xing Wang eatery, to watch the newly released movie starring my Laughing 哥 at the cinema and also popped by Cadee's full month celebration yesterday!

Cadee and Cherise @ their full month.. looks different yeah?!

And yes, I was so thrilled to carry Baby Cadee in my arms and I carried her for quite a while as she sleep in my arms.. keke.. thanks Mummy Yvonne! And as mentioned earlier, pics of me carrying her.. heehee..

dimanche 16 août 2009


一直盼着有一天在新加坡的西部逛一逛,尽情地逛上一整天! 机会终于来了,因为我的老公仔得早早去西部办点事而我又刚好没有教补习。。

我们先在IMM的Coffee Club 吃早餐,然后在哪儿逛了一下。还蛮好逛的.. Espirit warehouse store, Addidas warehouse store, mega Daiso store.. "三个钟头的免停车收费"时间到了,我们便前往Jurong Point继续我们的 "excursion"..

首先得先买个涂好了白色奶油的蛋糕。蛋糕的大小由你决定,当然价钱是有差的。然后你就可以用他们提供的点缀物品开始装饰你的蛋糕了! 真好玩! 这间店真特别,能让人 随意装饰一个属于自己的蛋糕! 好吃,好玩又好看!

过后我像疯了似地购物,买的都是上班族的衣服因为我觉得我现有的都旧了而明天是我的第一天。Anyway, 我是哪种久久一次"进货"的人,大概是俩年一次吧。。

真是个非常有收获得一天! 好开心!

明天就正式开工了,希望一切顺顺利利! 蔡月芳,加油哦!
samedi 15 août 2009

Materialisation of those hard-to-gather-everyone kind of gatherings..

Stoning away and thinking...

Hmm...looks like I managed to materialise all such catching up with family and friends during my two weeks' break.. so cool!..

Steamboat dinner for my family and mj session with siblings and their significant others at my bro's new place...

JK supper with elder sis and youngest bro and their SOs... Cafe-get-together with my "Angelic" friends... Steamboat dinner and mj session with close gfs and their SOs.. Dinner cum chill out and mj session with secondary frens and ex-ex-beau.. *feel so happy and contented*...
vendredi 14 août 2009

Bumming around..

My bumming around days are numbered.. :(..

The bumming around period was pretty fruitful! First and foremost, I told myself that the one thing I MUST do everyday is to take a nap which I managed to except on somedays when I have planned activities...

Crossed out some of the items on my personal backlog list during this period, pretty satisfying! ~visit gfs and their newborns ~ brought Rio junior for his medical checkup ~ gave Ritz junior a good "spa treatment"~ extract wisdom teeth and nurse the "injury" ~ personal grooming ~ watched a few french DVDs ~ read and finished reading a few of my storybooks ~ shopping and browsing at bookstores ~ getting the stuffs ready for my new job ~ regular exercising *perfect*... Some aren't exactly personal backlog but am happy that I can do all that at zero stress...

In the past I have to squeeze in time to do all that which ain't good for me (increased stress level or end up not having sufficient rest which certainly does not please Mr Hyperthyroid) and sometimes, the "best" part is it was somehow shelved with the use of silly excuses.. sigh..

Wished the break was longer but I was not bold enough to ask for more so "O-bi-good" lor! *regrets*... Life is full of regrets anyway so shall wait for the next round then.. haha.. and hope I wun repeat history...

It's time to pack up my "mood" and get ready to get down to serious work real soon! Today will be the day for me to pamper myself for one last time.. really numbered ah?... I cannot believe it.. *wakey-wakey-pinch-pinch*.. haha..

Inner voice: "Madame, stop dwelling in it!" Madame replying and nodding her head, "Hmm.. okie-dokie, I will snap out of it rightaway!".. *finger-click-click-click*..;p...

Pardon-moi si je fais moins du blogging ou facebooking. Parce que recemment, j'ai change mon occupation, donc j'aurai plus de travaux.. Mais, ceux ne sont pas tres important, n'est pas? A bientot..
jeudi 13 août 2009

They've got a younger sister!

Visited both my gfs who just gave birth, congratulations x 3! Now both Cherise and Clarisse have a younger sister! Cherise's younger sister is called Cadee and Clarisse's younger sister is called Janelle..

When I visited them, the mummies were sweet enough to allow me to carry Cadee and Janelle.. but I only managed to take photo with Janelle..

Clarisse jie-jie

Janelle mei-mei

Isn't she a cutie-pie!

Janelle's thoughts, "Hmm..let me think, who is this person carrying me?"..

As for Cadee, hope that I will have a chance to take photos with her the next time I see her. I missed my chance the other day cos before I decided to take photos with Cadee, she started to be a bit cranky as she was hungry.. wrong timing! Nvm, lai ri fang chang... ;)..

Gonna miss the good old days working with the mummies but looking forward to our next get-together with/without the kiddos... though if you ask me, I will certainly choose the former.. heehee.. *no obligations cos understand that it can be stressful to handle two*..

Yoz gals, seize the days of your maternity leave and enjoy the dejavu motherhood days! Take care till we meet again.. ;p..
mercredi 12 août 2009

Expensive snack

Popped by the Cold Storage Specialty and chanced upon this expensive snack! I was so tempted to buy and sweet sweet dar bought for me.. yeah.. ;)

Wanna know how much it cost? S$8.20 for such a packet which is not as big as Ruffles potato chips.. Gosh! Oh well, must ration and finish it slowly.. heehee..
